Help Dating a Vintage Coat


Registered Guest
Hi Everyone!

Does anyone know what era/period this coat is from?
I'm at a total loss. I thought it might be levi strauss and sons, but it is hard to say. Any ideas?

Hi yes,

it is samter.

It was priced at an antique store for 95.00. The antique store was otherwise inexpensive, which lead me to believe that this coat is quite old. The store closed and I bought some of their remaining items. It is made of a wool that I have never felt before.
Found this info:


Residence, 2576 Washington street ;
office, 758 Mission street, San Fran-
cisco. Born in St. Louis, Mo., Novem-
ber 30, 1879. Son of Louis and Han-
nah (Fischer) Samter.
Educated in the
public schools of ^lemphis, Tenn., and
Urban Academy of San Francisco.
Moved to San Francisco in 1898. Di-
rector L. Samter & Sons at the pres-
ent time. Member of Federation of
Jewish Charities and other charitable


Residence, 2576 Washington street ;
office, 758 Mission street. Born in St.
Louis, Mo., September 28, 1882. Son
of Louis and Hannah (Fischer) Sam-
ter. Moved to San Francisco in 1898.
Married November 8, 1911, to Lucille
Schloss. Educated in the public
schools of Memphis, Tenn.. and Lowell
High School, San Francisco. Vice-
president and secretary of L. Samter &
Sons. Member of the Federation of
Jewish Charities and other organiza-


Residence, 2576 Washington street ;
office, 758 Mission street, San Fran-
cisco. Born in St. Louis, Mo., August
27, 1876. Son of Louis and Hannah
(Fischer) Samter. Educated in the
public schools of St. Louis, Mo., and
Memphis, Tenn. Moved to San Fran-
cisco in 1898. President of L. Samter
& Sons at the present time. Mem-
ber Temple Emanu-El, Federation of
Jewish Charities and Argonaut Club.

These seems to be the "sons" in L. Samter & Sons
Thanks everyone!

It is in excellent condition. It does have one eraser end size moth hole at the shoulder. Should I repair it , or will it decrease the value?

Does anyone have any idea of how much something like this is worth?
Yes, one of the great things about this is that is that it is large. Probably about a 46-48 bust.
Originally posted by sMarie
Yes, one of the great things about this is that is that it is large. Probably about a 46-48 bust.

I would make sure you list it as a man's and then also say a woman could wear it rather than marketing it as having "bust size". Because if a woman who needed a 46 bust bought it thinking it was a woman's size, she might be disappointed if it did not fit in the shoulders or the arms were too long. Women who wear men's blazers because they like the cut, etc, will look in the men's section anyhow, but a man won't look in the ladies section for a jacket that would pass as a man's. Also, be sure not to list it as "size 48" - but rather let the measurements speak for themselves. On some styles, a size 48 might measure 48 but if its a different cut, the size 48 may be bigger. Also, be as exact as you can rather than 46-48. Does that mean it measures 47, or does it mean that you are measuring in two different places? You don't want to take it at the arm pit seam but rather around the actual chest unless it is a deep seam.

Also, with a jacket like this you don't necessarily "need" to market it towards ladies to expand the market for something tiny or common, good stuff of this era will be found by the right guys (and their gals)