Help dating a vintage St Johns jumper?

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by nohammers, Jul 20, 2024.

  1. nohammers

    nohammers Registered Guest


    I'd really appreciate any help with dating this jumper - I realise this isn't necessarily 'fashion dating' so much as 'uniform dating' but I got it from a vintage clothes shop so I thought someone might know anyway. Here's the info I have so far:

    St. John Ambulance uniform item of some kind, but not their current uniform going by the style of the patches & epaulettes. Made by 'St. John Supplies' with an address on the label (!) that matches one of their current locations.

    Body 100% wool, patches 67% polyester 33% cotton, can be handwashed or dry-cleaned. The washing symbols are really puzzling to me, as far as I can tell they're 80s, but I've never seen that specific 'hand wash only' symbol anywhere before. Sorry about the lack of clarity on the label, it looks that blurry irl too unfortunately.

    20240720_164457.jpg 20240720_164538.jpg 20240720_164613.jpg 20240720_164650.jpg 20240720_164702.jpg 20240720_164710.jpg 20240720_183805.jpg
  2. dollsntrolls

    dollsntrolls VFG Member

    You will find this exact sweater, or ones in navy, black and olive drab (is this one grey - it's hard to tell!) for military uniforms from many places all over the world. The only difference may be the color or composition. I've seen them as 70s - 80s. I have an American military one from the 80s, but people often ask if it is Israeli army, so I guess it is a very universal uniform. The Woolmark symbol arrived in 1964, but I don't think this is that old. The label for the company is actually sewn, rather than printed - so that may say something, but labels are often used until they run out and before the next run come in. Still - I would say early 80s.
    nohammers and Retro Ruth like this.
  3. Retro Ruth

    Retro Ruth VFG Member Staff Member

    I agree with early 80s, or maybe late 70s. The lack of a drying symbol usually means no later than mid-80s (there are exceptions).

    If it is grey, I think it may have faded from black.
    nohammers and dollsntrolls like this.
  4. nohammers

    nohammers Registered Guest

    Thank you! It is black, yes (not sure why the photos make it look so much lighter than it is). Early 80s sounds about right, and its general military surplus vibe makes a lot more sense after what you said about it most likely being a generic uniform piece SJA were using. Thanks again, this was very helpful!
    dollsntrolls likes this.

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