help dating an Army handbag


Registered Guest
Hello, all --

First, this place is lovely, and I want to say "hi." I've been reading for a while, and hope to contribute more someday.

Now, on to business. I picked up this handbag a while back, mostly because I love the precision of the label. I'm having trouble figuring out how old it is, though, or any information whatsoever. The style says 60's or so to me, but the condition is PRISTINE. I'm unable to find a picture of a similar bag in any Army uniform pictures I've looked at. Any permutation of the words on the label give me nothing on Google.

It's got a little change purse attached inside, too!

(the last line on the label says "Burlington Handbags, Inc", about which I could find almost nothing)

Any ideas?


Could be 'yesterdays' issue, or years ago issue. That issue hasn't changed in style/shape since I carried one in the early 80's. (Canada).

The numbers are stock and manufacture information. Since I've been out too long! I think that could be late 70's stock number.

I'm at work, so don't have access to my computer to search further.
Thanks, cotmyey. If these are really still issued, I imagine it's pretty new. It's been confusing me; the style is saying older but I just can't believe it considering the condition. But then, no one carries handbags like this anymore! I mean, I never considered the military on the cutting edge of fashion, but I never really thought they'd be so thoroughly retro. :)

I'd love to have more information about stock numbers if you happen to have it. I've run some of those numbers through Google and nothing came up.
But then, no one carries handbags like this anymore! I mean, I never considered the military on the cutting edge of fashion, but I never really thought they'd be so thoroughly retro

:D ah girl! the military(US & Canada) is not so thoroughly retro! it is just practical. They found a suitable 'dress uniform handbag' and stuck with it!

I'll try to get my old tech computer up and running, and do some searches for you later tonight.
Wow, thanks for all the help, ladies. It seems like the company still exists, I've seen mentions of it on websites but it doesn't look like they themselves have a site.

It looks like I probably won't sell it as vintage, then, since it could have been made at any time. I'll just stick it in my closet for 20 years or so :)