Renee, I would call these Lizards instead of Alligators and they appear to have a "trombone catch" which may indicate that your brooches are European. Trombone catches often are seen on brooches made in France. Can you see any marks on the metal? I can't see any in your photos. It's often helpful in determining the type of metal that is used in a piece if there are marks. Your brooches may be made from silver, but that's difficult to say just looking at the photos. If it were silver, I would tend to think the stones were turquoise, especially by the way they seem to have discolored ever so slightly. Turquoise does discolor from oils and chemicals such as would be used by perfumes or creams. That's why when wearing a turquoise ring, it's best not use hand creams. Oils are absorbed into the stone and cause discoloration. The stones don't appear to be faceted, but instead small cabachons. These stones may be glass if they are set in a non precious metal. But, to me, especially looking at the feet, the metal looks a bit more like silver, possibly sterling. Wait and see what some of our jewelry experts say. I'm sure others will have some helpful insight to offer regarding your interesting brooches.