help dating Barbizon full slip lingerie Rhapsody "Silk Boshe"


Registered Guest
Does anyone know info about the date of this piece? I'm thinking the style is Rhapsody and the fabric silk boshe (correct me if I'm wrong) I can't find any other tags with silk boshe as the fabric. Thanks!

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    54.2 KB · Views: 279
Good to know the woven vs pure info, thanks! This ad was in a listing I saw -->>circa 1954.

It may say silk doshe and not boshe.
I found a 1950 ad that announced the sale of a "Barbizon Matched Set in Pure Silk Satin Dosche" and among those sets was a "Rhopsody" ( sic) bed jacket. I also found a 1952 ad for "Barbizon's Pure Silk Satin Dosche Slips" and that included one in Rhapsody White. Although your label does appear to say Boshe, I checked many databases and never saw "boshe" anywhere.
I think the grey thread may have a pull in it on the letter D, causing it to look like a B. I'm sure Lynne is right in her results.