Help dating Bogner label


Registered Guest
Hello! I am looking for help dating a pair of Bogner stirrup pants. So far in my research, I've found that they are a German sportswear brand.

Label says "Bogner. Silk elastic. Pure silk and nylon. Clean with a damp cloth, do not hot [Bugein - not sure what this means]." The label looks older than their current label, but I haven't been able to find any information about how old. There is a second, tiny label that says "Norm. 40"

Any help dating would be much appreciated! Thank you!


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Agree with '60s on a date - and I suspect your model is wearing them back to front. The side zipper is usually on the left hand side, with the tabbed waist towards the back, not the front.

agree w/Nicole: she's got them on backwards. for sure.
The text under the name reads "Nur mit feuchtem Tuch und nicht zu heiss bügeln" - Iron only with a damp cloth and not too hot. I find the combination of silk and nylon rather intriguing. Bogner isn't just a well-known ski wear brand, they are also pretty high-end. Reminds me of seeing a lady on the gondola last winter, who was dressed from head to toe in matching Bogner - ski suit, gloves, goggles, (fabric covered) helmet, boots and the skis too. That whole getup must have cost positively a fortune... Now if you're skiing and you want to make it clear to everybody that you've got money, that's it.
Thanks Midge, that is really helpful! Yeah, the nylon - silk blend is kind of weird. The fabric feels rougher . I would never have guessed it has silk in it if the tag didn't say.
If you email them at [email protected] they can date it for you, they were very helpful dating my 80's ski jacket to 86-89, and could have pinpointed the date had the care label not washed away :), they used the brand label instead.

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