Help dating, cleaning

Dusty Butterfly

VFG Member
Hi all, looking for any help or info about this jumpsuit. I acquired it from the house of a couple (now deceased) who lived in NJ. There was a bunch of older clothing there, some average and some really stellar
like this piece. Mostly 40s, but I'm thinking 30s for this jumpsuit (?) I believe this couple also had a home in Philly or NYC .

There is no label present, or any sign that there was a label, but the design is so unique and detailed that I can't imagine where it could have come from if not one design house or other. However I'm not proficient in fashion history or the construction of garments this old so I'm hoping others can shed some light.

I believe it's silk charmeuse. It looks to me to be hand embroidered, with rolled & hand sewn hem and neckline. The seams allowances are not finished, in a way it looks like it could be home made, unless it was common practice to leave seam allowances unfinished in the 30s-40s. The seams are sewn with what looks like a straight machine stitch, but doubled one over the other (see pics). I can't convince myself that a design house would do things this way, but I can't figure out who could have made this. So I'm hoping those more familiar with this era could drop some knowledge on me... ;)

Also, there is some yellowish staining on the front bodice, and as you can see it's quite wrinkled even though I've had it hanging for a month or so. Any tips on cleaning & dewrinkling would be great as well. I appreciate any input, thank you!

The museum has one set, also in black and white, and I have handled a few of these in my lifetime and I have seen others for sale online -- so they aren't super rare.