help dating Daniel Hechter 'psychedelic/revolution" shirt


Registered Guest
Hi all,
Assuming this is a 1970s number? Also, what would you term this type of shirt....'Zip up Tee?"
Thanks alot,


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The graphics look late 1960s, and a take off on Peter Max style of art. I see some Beatles references in there, Sargeant Pepper, Magical Mystery Tour, Revolution, the guitar, and the mustache guy looks like a Beatle wanna be. The shirt style does have a more early 70's look, but the graphics look 1960s.
I agree with Barbara on the Beatles references but the collar and zipper are wrong for the late '60s, or even the early '70s. The labels look fairly modern, so I'm wondering if this is a '90s shirt?
Daniel Hechter, I believe, didn't focus on mens clothing until the early 1970s, but that label screams more modern to me also, maybe 80s or early 90s.
I looked it up and CA numbers began in Canada in 1985, so the shirt cannot be before that.

Canada's current Textile Labelling Act may be dated 1985, but CA #s have been around longer than that. At least from
the early 70s, possibly earlier.

I agree with 90s on the shirt. Mid 90s doing 70s.
Thanks Deborah, I was trying to find out the history of CAs but with no luck! Course when I put in the CA number into their system it came up with a whole different company so who knows!
Yep, label looks too new. Lotsa Beatles references in the print! 20 years ago I would have killed for this, I was so crazy about the Beatles :hysterical:. Mid-90s would make sense for me too, with the revival of so many 60s/70s styles then. I remember all that very well, because I loved it so much... It's funny, I have a school reunion tonight, and I was just thinking this morning how much I was always the odd one out at that time in my teens. Everybody pretty much sneered at my love for the Beatles. 10 years later I was "the cool one" because I had all those original LPs that I took to one of our first reunions, and the guys all played them. How times change!

You'll never believe this... I cleaned out my closet today, as I do every half year. The scarf-box got a look-through too this time. I have a scarf with the exact same print :duh2:! It's among the many scarves my best friend has given me over the years, and I simply didn't make the connection when you posted the shirt. Don't know why! But now, looking at it again, I knew just what it was! It's a long one, not a square one, and the material is transparent. Something synthetic and not very old I'd guess. No labels or markings anywhere, so I wouldn't know how it could possibly tie in with your shirt - but isn't this interesting!


beatles scarf.jpg
That's so cool. Funny eh, how you don't immediately make the connection like when you're not sure you've dreamt something or saw or experienced it in real life...trippy, like the shirt pattern.
Yep, that's George (my favourite Beatle :)). I can see Paul next to him, holding a walrus puppet. There's also an egghead, and a lot of other crazy things. Maybe there's more on the shirt than that's on my scarf, because there the motifs repeat length-wise.

okay, so,
George (check)
Paul (check)
There's a blond, openminded guitarist there...
the that John?
and could the trippy yoga guru girl be Joni?
What about Ringo.....I see one head that is just a snippet on one part of the shirt....


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