help dating & describing dresses


Registered Guest
any info will be greatly appreciated. newby still learning. thank you.








I'm not sure about the first one but the other two look late '60's early '70's to me. Have you read the "Quick Tips for Dating Vintage" - on our website? You can find this under VFG Resources. Some clues for dating (besides the the style and length, etc.) are Union Labels if there are any, types of zippers, fabric content and care labels. There's also a wonderful section on dating garments by style in the Fashion Timeline under Fashion History.

Did you look at the Label Resource? Here's the entry for Ellen Tracy:
I think the first is late 70s, the second late 60s, and I'm not sure on the third.

I have (or had) a dress with that Honey label--and it was a cutie, too! Yours looks like something I would have worn "back in the day"--I like it!
there are no labels in the first dress.

Ellen Tracy dress, what is the style called? trapeze? looks like a chef's top to me but with heavier fabric, :{
I hope that you are laughing and not aggravated with my questions. I spend so much time researching and only bother you when i get stuck, mostly have trouble with descriptions. Thank you all so much for your time and patience!! Penny
1 - Early '70s.
2 - Late '60s.
3 - Mid '70s, I'm thinking about '75-77. I wouldn't call it a trapeze, trapeze are more swing-like, this one is a bit like a long skivvy (is that term used outside of Australia?)

heh heh, Nicole, "skivvies" are underpants, or at least it is in rural iowa.

and not trapeze, this is just a flared dress. late 70s.

Very Cute, esp the last 2.

i'd say 70s rather than 60s on the 2nd one, too. and the big poufy first one looks late 70s/early 80s.
some of the seams need resewn. do i repair before listing for sale or just list the areas that need attention?