Help dating dresses..

Kathleen Lipe

Registered Guest
Hey folks! I’m new to this but I was recently given a bunch of clothes from my aunt and am in love! I’m just having a hard time finding out info about them bc of missing tags and honestly, just keep getting stonewalled searching.just really curious about what year these could have been made. Anyways, if anyone would mind taking a look at these and possibly offer some advice or info. I truly appreciate any help . Hope you have a great day! Thank you!



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The suit and the red (or is it red-orange?) dress definitely look to date from the 70s (those nice big pointed collars!). Are these both made of polyester knit? The Hawaiian print dress is harder to say, but I'd expect it to date from the 60s to 70s. I'm not sure without a close up but it looks like cotton sateen.

When was your aunt about 30-40 years old? Because these look like the clothes of a woman about that age in the era.
Hi. Sorry just now getting back. Thank you very much for taking the time to look at them! She was in her 40’s in early-late 1970’s. And just realized I read the label wrong on the floral dress. Didn’t see the S on skirts. and the blue skirt suit is polyester. Thank you so very much again. Can’t wait to go through some more clothes being sent to me. So exciting!


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