Help dating hats


Registered Guest
:hiya: I've acquired some hats but need some help dating them! The last one sadly is badly foxed which is such a shame as it's my favourite!

The blue felt? hat has been taken from the front, the brown raffia from the side and back to show the bow. The off white straw hat from the side and then the front profile The brown raffia is the only one with a label, Jacoll. They all tilt to one side apart from the foxed one which is a bit like a coolie hat. I've shown the underbelly of that one with the head clasps.



ps Is there any way of restoring the foxed hat? I fear the worse! Your help would be really great!








Since it has damage, you have nothing to loose. The material looks like cellophane "straw" or some other man made material. Try wiping with a lightly soapy, well wrung cloth, then a clean moist cloth to "rinse". The fabric bits might be able to be pulled up a bit, and laid over an edge of some cloth to do a dabbing cleaning technique.
It's not a hat to make one rich, but properly tidied up, it might be costume-able. Just don't dunk it in water.
Thanks Mary Jane for dating the hats. I was confused with the brown & cream, got the foxed one right, but I totally got the blue one wrong! But from this forum, I'm learning loads!:USETHUMBUP:

Hatfeathers...yep, I don't have anything to lose have I, so I will take your advice and see what I can or cannot do! Thankyou again!

Before you try water on the white hat you might want to try sponging with a little alcohol or dry cleaning fluid. I think it has a buckrum base which is held rigid with sizing. It will likely warp if you wet it too much. I have had good luck with spray on powder spot removers like Spray-away. Before you do anything brush it well and vacum gently (a nylon stocking over the nozzel) to remove dust. If you don't you may run the risk of embedding more dirt into the hat. Best of luck!

Thanks Melody for the great advice, yep that seems logical re removing as much dust and dirt before any cleaning attempt. I'll take on board your other suggestions too. :USETHUMBUP: