Help dating & Info on a Neal-McClintock dress

I was so thrilled with all the great info I received on my last posting, I thought I'd try again. I've been checking back to see if I can help with anyone elses questions but nothing so far, I'll keep trying...

I picked up some great clothes today at the home of an 82 year old women. Most the items were from the 60's or later but she kept telling me she wore them in 1945...I just smiled and said "that's so neat". Anyways, I need help with this dress which was by far my most favorite find. The label is Neal-McClintock. The dress is a sheath with three layers. The top layer is chiffon and has lines of sequins and gathered ribbons with flat bows at the shoulders. It has the most amazing matching cape. It is made of black netting and has gorgeous 3-dimensional roses made of sheer ribbon with leaves outlined in sequins. It ties with big bow in front. I found a 1967 ad with a Neal-McClintock dress on Ruby Lane. The dress in the ad was selling for $165 back in 1967. Could this be a couture label? I am guessing it is mid to late 60's. Any help would be appreciated. I will have to post three times to get all the pics. I haven't figured out the whole photo hosting thing yet.
Hi Carrie,

Super looks about 1963 - 1964 to me. I don't think it was a couturier label but certainly well made.

I know how it is with the elderly when you know it's not that old and they keep telling you that it is. I've had that happen to me so many times, but you just nod and agree and hopefully get the chance to purchase something you like!
I meant to add I wonder if the McClintock has anything to do with Jessica McClintock but it is probably a little to early for her work...she started out by purchasing Gunne Sax.

Gunne Sax became the San Francisco-based Jessica McClintock, Inc., McClintock is now president and CEO.
Hi! Thanks for the reply. I know what you mean about the sweet old ladies...She could have told me she wore the dress on her voyage on the Titanic and I would have smiled and said "That's so neat". Hee hee! I wondered about the connection with the other McClintocks. I could find no other listings for a Neal-McClintock label on Ebay and only found the ad on Ruby Lane by Googling the name.
The cape is wonderful! Are you sure it was worn with the dress? I was just wondering because it looks a tad longer than the dress, but that could be because there are no arms on the mannequin so the cape is hanging a titch longer. Its a great outfit. Sorry, I have never heard of Neal-McLintock either but its a great mid 60s outfit.
I'm fairly certain this was a set. The tags in both the dress and cape are exactly the same. Also, the ribbon bow on the shoulders of the dress and the ribbon tie on the cape are identical material. I wish I had a mannequin, I think my clothes would photograph so much nicer. I need to start seriously hunting for one...
Oh Yeah, I almost forgot, does anyone have any brilliant key words that come to mind for this one?? ;)
I have a Neal-McClintock VOGUE magazine ad for sale in my shop. It is also a spectacular lace dress, and the dating on it is February 1, 1967. It identifies the labric as Made in France Chantilly lace, and the ad tag line is "Jet To The Met" (cross promotional with American Airlines and Bullock's in California). Your dress is even more, what a FIND! I am drooling...
The Shops at Ruby Lane
Ruby Lane Ad

I saw the ad in your Ruby Lane store! I refer to it above. I'm glad you saw my posting. I haven't seen any other Neal-McClintock dresses before. It looks like he was a fairly well thought of designer to have his dress featured in that ad. I wish I had a copy of the ad for my ebay listing. That would be a great selling point! Thanks for your reply and for drooling over my dress....hee hee!
Hey Carrie :-)
Now that I have wiped off my computer screen and the slobber is gone, please feel free to take a copy of the ad for your listing if you want and can 'drop and drag' it. If it will be of help to you, I am more than willing to let you 'borrow' it. Now, my clothes and jewelry pics are ANOTHER matter and I guard them pretty jealously, but any ads I have in the shop are not my originals, anyway. I just happened to own the mag and think the ad was pretty special and might be to a collector.
Hope you make zillions on the
The Shops at Ruby Lane
Wow! Fabulous, and yes, so mid 60s! I don't know anything about Neal-McClintock, but I believe I read somewhere that Jessica McClintock was indeed designing before the Gunne Sax era, but I can't remember where.
PJ - I listed my dress last night and realized just now that I didn't give you credit for the ad. I just amended my mistake and have added a link to your site. Thanks again for letting me use it!

Anne - Thanks for the kind words about the dress. I listed it last night and I did put a blurb in that it might be an early Jessica McClintock. I couldn't find anything on the internet to verify it but you never know.... Thanks again!


I have been researching Jessica McClintock and her business as part of my graduate thesis on California fashion, and thus far have not found any evidence that she was part of this team (Neal-McClintock).
The story goes that she invested all of her money in Gunne Sax, so that would make ownership of a previous business unlikely. In a published interview she says she invested $5,000 in Gunne Sax in 1969, while living in San Mateo, CA (and teaching school at the time, I believe).

If I find any info on the Neal-McClintock label, I'll post it here--Jennifer