Help Dating little gold crochet lame purse and clasp....1950s?


Registered Guest
Hi All,
No label and I thought it was 60s originally but wonder if it's earlier.
What do you think the clasp is made of?
Also, is there a special term for a simple chain handle strap that attaches on one side and the other of the frame?
Thanks again,


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I'm actually quite intrigued about this as I have some shoes crocheted from very similar gold cord. They also look 60's on first appearance but may be older.
I thinking a lot older ,
a) that's more a square shape and the bags in the 60's looks more oblong or wider than that.
b) frames were often bought separate and made up by the owner and I have a feeling that's the case here, it could have been made in the 60's from a hand me down frame from Grandma or some one else.

Is the frame presses out i.e. more like a "U" shape on it's side becuse I get the impression from the frame that it more in keeping with the 30's
than the 60's

Die casting tends to come in a lot later on in general terms and I think that's the clue of the frame cast then it's more likely to be post war.
I generally associate these styles with the '60s but agree that the frame could be earlier. I myself have made a few purses using older materials that I've found or stored for a long time.