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help dating straw hat (I think men\'s)
So, most of my recent hat acquisitions I feel like I have a good handle on dating-wise, but I'm finding this one a bit more challenging. First, I think it's a men's hat rather than a woman's hat? Second, it's a straw hat made in Italy (and from what I can tell from my searches it looks like there are/were a lot of straw hats made in Italy). There are no maker's tags, but the interior grosgrain ribbon says "Made in Italy." The feel of the straw is older, though not antique, and the other hats I got from the same estate were 50s-60s era. Would this potentially fit in that timeframe too?
And, thanks, everyone for the support and information. I really appreciate being able to come here for the items I find more challenging to date.
So, most of my recent hat acquisitions I feel like I have a good handle on dating-wise, but I'm finding this one a bit more challenging. First, I think it's a men's hat rather than a woman's hat? Second, it's a straw hat made in Italy (and from what I can tell from my searches it looks like there are/were a lot of straw hats made in Italy). There are no maker's tags, but the interior grosgrain ribbon says "Made in Italy." The feel of the straw is older, though not antique, and the other hats I got from the same estate were 50s-60s era. Would this potentially fit in that timeframe too?
And, thanks, everyone for the support and information. I really appreciate being able to come here for the items I find more challenging to date.