help dating this gown?

Its kind of hard to tell from that small photo. Do you have one a little bigger?

It looks more like a robe, but the style looks early 40s maybe. Again though, need more details.

Type of fabric, shoulder pads? closures...buttons, zippers???
Sorry, I cross posted with you. Maybe late 30s or early 40s. Wait for others to chime in. Is it a robe?
The style looks like a late '30s to early '40s dressing or boudoir gown but the fabric and finishing with cotton bias binding are throwing me - so I think it's a more modern copy of the design, maybe '70s. In any case, it's beautiful and well made. I'm just not getting a very old feel about it - the fabric looks like a printed dotted swiss cotton.

It looks like a 40's dressing gown to me.... I have seen that edge binding in other pieces I've had from then, both in dresses and lingerie, particularly slips. Like Nicole, I'd like to know what the shoulder pads are stuffed with. And I would like to see a larger photo of the entire piece (like your first shot, only bigger) to see the bodice and shoulder details more clearly.
I'm not sure what the shoulder pads are made of, but the outer layer is sewn together very loosely and I was able to see a serged seam of the shoulder pad covering. It was a white covering and the inside of the pad is not visible but it feels less giving than the newer spongy ones. However, the white shoulder pad inner covering feels almost like a poly blend or something that is slicker.
Hi Ladies,

I'm still going back and forth on the 40s vs. 70s. The more I feel the shoulder pads, it feels like some sort of wadding (maybe cotton) but it is sewn up into a white shoulder pad which is inside of the dotted swiss. The fibers of the white shoulder pad covering look shiny and like a polyester of some sort but I'm really not sure. If you had to say, judging by the photos, would you lean more toward 70s or 40s? I think I'm more confused now than when I started looking at this garment:) Thanks again!
