Help dating this Velvet Pixie Hat please

Can anyone help with this cute velvet pixie hat please? I know the label 'Bonwit Teller' was a high-end department store founded in 1862 but I can't find any dating information from the additional Union Label. It's The United Hatters Cap and Millinery Workers International Union (UHCMW).

There's also a boutique label inside which I think reads 'Emma Boutique'.

Can anyone clarify a date please? I'm thinking 40's but I've seen earlier pixie-style hats. This Bonwit Teller label doesn't resemble exactly to any I've seen on the label resource section. If I can pin down a date, I can add the label to our resource. :)

BTW! The brooch is glass.



The font of that Bonwit Teller label, looks like the same font as the ones from the 50s and 60s in the label resource. I admit that the style is throwing me off. It looks so costumey to me... like someone who worked as one of Santa's Helpers would have worn
Its 60's the second label have seen on 60's items I also have a simular shaped hat from the era. I really like the shape.....

I did a quick search for "Emme Boutique" in one newspaper database and found ads for it from 1960-1971. One 1960 article stated:

"Emme's jersey turbans, her lacquered feather collection which look shiny as the cire ribbon which she uses for trimming are as high and exciting as her sparkling group called "circus spangles." These are sequin berets, turbans or calots(?) (the perfect dance or theater hat) worn with matching paillette cowboy scarfs.

Top millinery designers have their low-bracket offerings, too. None can resist some of the John Frederics 'Charmers'; the Emme 'Boutique' group; or the incomparable Sally V's. While these are not exact copies of the 'real thing,' they certainly are much for the money and perfect for the fashion-conscious gal who cannot afford salon prices."
Makes me think of Patricia Neal in Breakfast at Tiffany's. Very stylish, chic early 60s. I've had pixie hats from the 30s/40s and they're not as tall. That Emme label is solid 60s, have had it in a few hats.

Just got your replies. Thanks so much for the additional information guys. That's really interesting. :) Yes, the hat stays upright because of the lining fabric I guess. I think it would work really well for someone (obviously) that has their own individual style. On the right person, this hat will look amazing. :)