Help identify this levi’s tag?

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by Moonchild, Jul 2, 2024 at 6:31 AM.

  1. Moonchild

    Moonchild Registered Guest

    Hi, I tried looking through the label resource but this specific design of the label was not there. Can someone tell me more about it? (It can be used in the label resource if you guys wish!)
  2. Hi!
    I'm afraid I'm cautious and don't click on links. Can you use the "Upload a File" button at the lower right of the text box and add a photo directly to your post?
    Shusteroo likes this.
  3. Retro Ruth

    Retro Ruth VFG Member Staff Member

    I’m not sure why they aren’t showing, perhaps imgur hosting isn’t compatible with our forums for some reason . If you are able to upload rather than link, it would help you get a response.

    however there’s nothing suspicious about the links if anyone doesn’t mind clicking. It’s just a well known photo hosting site
  4. Moonchild

    Moonchild Registered Guest

    Oh that’s odd cause I did add the photos in my post as well. I’m not sure why it’s not working. I can try to re do it :)
  5. Moonchild

    Moonchild Registered Guest

    i’m not sure how to edit the post haha i’ll see if it works here


    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2024 at 5:57 AM
    Retro Ruth likes this.
  6. Retro Ruth

    Retro Ruth VFG Member Staff Member

  7. A google image search shows several items with the same label, with claims from the 1990s-2010s. Others here may know more.
  8. Ranch Queen Vintage

    Ranch Queen Vintage Administrator

    From a story and interview with Jonathan Cheung, Levi's Head of Design...

    Brands with heritages as rich as Levi's often regard their logos as untouchable, holy grails. The legacy denim brand, however, takes a much more liberal approach, treating the logo as a cultural emblem that, like culture itself, can evolve over time. Levi's regularly switches it up by playing with the direction of the text, its sizing, and coloring, and even encourages customers to personalize it themselves in store at their “print bars."

    Needless to say, this free-wheeling approach to branding makes it increasingly difficult to date later Levi's labels.

    Here's a link to the full story and interview.
  9. Moonchild

    Moonchild Registered Guest

    I can’t believe it didn’t occur to me to google image search… thank you!
    The Vintage Vendeuse likes this.

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