Hello! I recently stumbled across this lovely vintage coat at the thrift store and it fit! However, I am not sure of a date and need help identifying the type of fur on the collar.
I am thinking early 60s for the date?
Brand: Stevens Hockanum
The fur is very soft and not brittle at all, but I have never purchased fur before so I am unsure of the type.
And, if I can ask one more thing, what is a good way to clean this? The local dry cleaner told me they charge $78 for a coat with a fur collar. I only paid $7.50 for the coat, and I can't really justify a cleaning cost of ten times what I paid for it.
I am thinking early 60s for the date?
Brand: Stevens Hockanum
The fur is very soft and not brittle at all, but I have never purchased fur before so I am unsure of the type.
And, if I can ask one more thing, what is a good way to clean this? The local dry cleaner told me they charge $78 for a coat with a fur collar. I only paid $7.50 for the coat, and I can't really justify a cleaning cost of ten times what I paid for it.