Help identifying a Pierre Cardin dress?

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by Moonchild, Aug 2, 2021.

  1. Moonchild

    Moonchild Registered Guest


    I've been looking everywhere to be able to identify the age of this dress. I'm inclined to believe it's from the 80's, but I can't find a tag that looks exactly like this one, only tags that look alike. The ones that look alike, say "New York" in the bottom corner or "Paris" under Pierre Cardin in the middle. Or both, "Paris" and "New York" on each corner. This one is a tad bit different, as you can tell. Can you help?
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  2. GemGem

    GemGem Registered Guest

    Hiya, I’m wondering if this had been altered? The style looks quite 90s to me but I’m not convinced. Could you show a picture of the inside of the hem and shoulder seams?
  3. Moonchild

    Moonchild Registered Guest

    Here ya go :) [​IMG] [​IMG]
    GemGem likes this.
  4. poppysvintageclothing

    poppysvintageclothing VFG Member Staff Member VFG Past President

  5. I'm leaning toward 1990s.
    I see a side seam label in your full-length inside-out photo... can we see a closer photo of that, even if it's faded/blank?
    The VFG Label Resource indicates that Cardin labels began to have the name in all lower case letters starting in the 1970s. There is a 1990s example in white on black that is very similar to yours, minus the "Made in Italy" notation at the side:

    Screenshot (75).png
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2021
    GemGem and cotmyey like this.
  6. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

    It doesn't look shortened to me, as the the seam allowance seems to have the same overlock finish as the other fabric edges, and it doesn't look like a particularly deep hem. I see there's another label in the side seam - is anything on that still legible? If so, please post photos of it.
    GemGem likes this.
  7. GemGem

    GemGem Registered Guest

    What an interesting puzzle, I am torn between 70’s and 90’s. I also have a sense of alteration about it. I notice the binding to the armholes has been added before the darts were made. I would usually expect it to be added afterwards to avoid bulk in the sew.
    I’m another vote on seeing a picture of the side seam label please.
    CatsLikeUs likes this.
  8. Jonathan

    Jonathan VFG Member

    Pierre Cardin labels are SO varied... there are dozens of different styles. He is probably one of the worst for inconsistency in label style.
    GemGem likes this.

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