Help identifying label/maker


Registered Guest
This is a label of an amazing 1960's dress, I am not familiar with it, the belt also has a name inside which looks like "Shelli Sales"? maybe, maybe not, any ideas or help is appreciated :-)
I have seen some listing for 50' and 60s dresses. Tranell of Dallas label. I spent a few minutes on the 'net and didn't see much else.
Thank you for those very keen observations, I also was only able to find a Tranell of Dallas, but no label photos for comparison, It's kinda sad cause this dress is in near mint condition and it is such a fabulous design. Thanks so much for your help!!
Joseph Friend owned Tranell of Dallas in the 1950's and 60's. He retired in 1965. I would be very interested in seeing the dress.

Tranell was an "every day" line and Lenart was a "better dress" line.