help identifying unusual texture: Phillips Furs Santa Monica


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Hi, everyone! I recently came across this beautiful piece at a thrift store but there’s virtually nothing I can find on the brand Phillips Fur Santa Monica - there’s no FLA label that I can find, either.

It’s got pockets, fully lined in a black satin material and there are sweat pads sewn into the lining at the armpits in the same material, no shoulder pads though. The initial owner’s initials ME are hand stitched into one of the sweat pads.

I’m a novice but between the label and fire testing a small tuft of the fur and trying to push a pin through the lining (very thick, like leather underneath) I’m fairly certain it’s real fur but not sure what kind? I’ve included pictures of the texture of the fur, it’s very smooth and shiny, not the softest, almost bristly if you run your hand in the opposite direction of the hair.

I’d appreciate any tips you might have as to what it may be/date estimates, thank you!!

I spent some time searching for Phillips Furs information for you and can provide a few bits of information.

First, Phillips Furs was a retail business and the earliest Santa Monica reference I found was in a 1946 ad. Phillips Furs may very well have been in business before that date, but a quick search did not bring it up in Santa Monica before that. As I have time, I will try to dig a bit deeper.

For instance, I found a 1937 ad for a Phillips Furs Shop in Reno NV, but I have no idea if that was the same retail business. The ad noted that that fur shop was "established in Reno since 1919." Once again, though, I need to research further to see if there is a connection between the fur shop in Reno and the one in Santa Monica.

I then found a 1956 article that noted that Lee Phillips, of Phillips Furs of Santa Monica, was elected vice president of the Retail Furriers Association of Southern California.

A 1964 article then stated that a specialty clothing store opened "at 1317 Third Street in Santa Monica, (which) was formerly occupied by Phillips Furs, whose owners have retired."