Help! Junior Gaultier shirt bought - Fake - or?


Registered Guest
Help please!
Just bought a Junior Gaultier shirt on Ebay.
I think it´s a fake. It has the green Junior Tag but without the Made in Italy. The washing instr. tag says IFG - International Fashion Group Spa - Made in Tunesia.
I really hope someone can help me with this.
Thank you from Bebse1 in Denmark.

I don't know much about Gaultier but we have folks here who do. Just be patient, and they should stop by. Keep checking back in.

Do you have a picture you can show us?


(by the way...WELCOME!)
Re Gaultier - Fake.

Hi!, and thank you so much for the fast reply.
What a fantastic site this is. I came across it by pure luck as I was searching for Gaultier.
I have the picture that was listed on Ebay. Maybe somebody would recognize it. I will try attaching it.
Thank you again for the nice welcome.
I'm not an expert, and I can't say that this is definitely the real thing, but I'd think that if someone were going to fake Gaultier, that they would not chose a Junior line label. Instead, I'd think the label would just be "Gaultier". Does that make sense?

I just looked in my Gaultier Jeans dress, and it was made in Morroco, and I KNOW it is the real thing. The IFG thing was probably the group that held the license to make the garments for Gaultier.

Welcome to the VFG public board!

Hi Lizzie,
I am absolutely amazed by the fast reply from you guys. Thank you again!
Great that you also like Gaultier :o).
Yes I know what you mean and I would say the same.
It´s just that the other Junior things I bought all have both the green tag with Made in Italy - Junior Gaultier, and a green washing instr. tag also with the name Junior Gaultier.
And I also noticed that the green tag has been sewn on top of the seam with different stitches (white) That is why I am even more suspicious.

Goodnight from Denmark
Hi again Lizzie,
Ups. Haha. I meant to put a smiley in the text the old fashioned way, but apparently I added the wrong one. It should be smiling not staring.

By again,
Another Kristina! I am also a Christina (just spelled differently)

do you have a picture of the tag (oh, maybe you haven't received the garment yet...but when you do, please share it!)?

Maybe the tag is from a different year/line than the one you have?

Hi Christina,
what a great name.:USETHUMBUP:

I just received it today. I will add a picture of the tags later.
Just need a few hours sleep first. I totally forgot to go to bed after I found your site.
And yes, I will definately sign up for the newsletter.

By for now