Help! Looking for participants

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Chatter - Anything and everything' started by beccybriggs, Jun 16, 2023.

  1. beccybriggs

    beccybriggs Registered Guest

    Hi, I am a master’s student at the University of Kent and was wondering if you would help me for my project.

    I am exploring people’s views on the use and trade of natural fibres in the fashion industry and would like to hear from a variety of people with different perspectives.

    You do not need to have any knowledge about fashion or clothing, this study is open to everyone!

    More information about the study can be found by following the link
  2. Hi Beccy, I note that your survey appears to be directed at people in the UK. As an international group we have members from all around the world. Are you interested in responses from other countries?
    denisebrain likes this.
  3. beccybriggs

    beccybriggs Registered Guest

    Hi! I am interested in a range of views so no matter what country you are from your views and opinions would be valuable for my study :)

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