Help me date my first Lanvin?


Staff member
VFG Past President
I'm thinking 70s, although I can't really articulate why.


It's a column of crystal pleating with a deep ruffle around the top.



It has a care tag, but not a fabric content tag or a size tag.
It is sexy, isn't it? It's one of those dresses that looks like low-end lingerie on the hanger - I might not have bought it if not for the label. But it gives even the anorexic Josephine the most amazing curves.
As you can see, I considered the nightgown possibility. The fabric is semisheer, calling for a slip or body suit IMHO. I ultimately decided dress because it looks so evening ready and because I couldn't recall ever seeing Lanvin lingerie or mention of it in my reading or on the web.
I have a Lanvin nightgown from the 70s/80s, but not similar, I think it has the same label....I'll see if I can find it and see....
That's also the label used in dresses in the 70s, so the label doesn't clarify. But since Lanvin did make lingerie in 70s, hhhmmm.
Another vote for lingerie, and the need for a slip backs that up - if it were a dress, it would have it's own built in slip or not be sheer, as it would be hard to wear a slip with that. It's gorgeous!
