Help me read this purse label


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
I have a purse that is lined in logo fabric. I just can't make it out. does it read Fenicottero? Or does it look like something else. I searched and only get sites in Italian. Anyone recognize this bird?


Looks like fenicottero to me too. ( did I just spell that right?) Never heard of them but love that purse.

With the right dress that may be VLV suitable! Or maybe I dont know enough about VLV.

Anyone else think so.
I am pretty sure its 80s...but i think it is really compatible with the hawaiian looks that might be there. ( and i would not argue with a "trendsetter"). :P


The mighty purse vault is slowly opening its doors.... strange but true...
I agree... this purse is awesome, and even if it WAS 80's, I would think it would appeal to the VLV crowd. There is a lot of 50's inspired 80's, after all.. and very few Rockabilly kids are totally into being totally era specific accurate.

Goodness those colours just throb - I really like them


THROBBING Fruit and Ferns Clutch Purse VLV


Never had a throbber before.

What a cool purse. When are you putting it in the mall??

Tomorrow I am 98% sure. Unless i get swallowed up by the flood of handbags i will be listing.