HELP! Need datable stockings


Registered Guest
I am doing a science project for my school on a topic of my choice, so i decided upon wether manmade materials were really more durable, easily mendable, etc. Anyways i am looking for stockings damaged beyond most repair that i can sacrafice for this. I need it to be datable withing ten to five years, i am hoping for stockings and others from 1900-1950 at a pretty cheap price seeing as i dont even get to wear them. I would also love so tips on dating stockings.... thanks so much
I don't have any, but if you check out the Lingerie Resource, you might be able to more accurately date things that you come across. front page>vintage resources>lingerie resource

Keep checking back, because i am sure someone has something.

When is your deadline so people know?
Hi there,
I have some 1950's seamed stockings that have a run here and there or some such damage that you are welcome to...
I will U2U you and we can see if you can use them!

I have 1920's but they aren't manmade material. I have mercerized cotton and then I have a pair of cotton with rayon. Will any of those work. you can U2U me and let me know.
I don't have anything as old as that. Update us on if there is anything else or other eras that you still haven't been able to find.

crinoline girl your stockings are lovely, if i bought them i would wear them and they would never make it to my broject but i would love the mercerized cotton stockings+the cotton rayon blend, however i have no idea what u2u means, thanks o much for replying!
LOL, don't worry :) It took me awahile to figure out U2U's too!
I know what you mean about wanting to wear them though as vintage stockings are so much nicer than new ones! The quality in old things (stockings, etc) is way better than stuff made today which is why they have lasted so long. I can't imagine stockings made today lasting nearly 100 years into the future.

If you need to contact me, you can email me at [email protected]

excelent, i havent totaly started, but it was approved and my teacher keeps refering to it as "the interesting project", i found tons of resources at , it has a great timeline, you would be suprised to learn what they have invented!, i am so excited, thanks for the support!
Well, the project is finally done and I won first place in engineering, I can post my paper if you want. Unfortunately in the end there were some troubles because you could not really test wearibility "scientifically,"(By my school's standards), but either way it came out that the best were in fact the 1980's hose, however directly second best were the 20's or earlier pair that, I think, had it been tested on comfort and on the fact that they were, pre worn and 80 years old, would have been the best. they turned out to be breathable, wouldn't get runs, snag badly, and they were pretty darn durable. I would love to have comments on my paper, especialy if i am dramaticaly wrong about anything. Thank you for your interest and support!

If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?
- Albert Einstein

I would LOOOOOOVE to see that!

Pauline would be most interested, as she is the editor of our Lingerie Resource as well.

Oh, by the way, what did you win? Did they give out ribbons? Scholarships? The undying gratitude of others? Chocolate?
i got a little red ribbon, but then i went and rented "the women" and sat in satisfaction. now, my paper is only about 12 pages long, how would i post it?

If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called research, would it?
- Albert Einstein
Congratulations! That is wonderful. I would love to read your paper, too. Someone who is more computer knowledgable will be along soon, I am sure, to let you know how you can share.