Help needed to date this outfit


Registered Guest
Hi all
Another of my recent buys from charity shop. The fabric looks like it is synthetic and I think it might be 60s or 70s but can anyone help with this. Looks like it is handmade

Are there any labels on either piece? Is the vest a short, cropped style? At a glance, I think 60s, and the colors would be right for then, too.

Can we see a close-up of the fabric? Not for dating, but I'd like to see the weave. The luster makes me think it could be silk and not synthetic, but still wouldn't be able to tell through a photo, but that might give some clues. Too, one would need to have even more info to make a guess on silk vs. synthetic.
I found a loose thread and did a burn test on it and it definitely didn't burn like synthetic. On close inspection the weave isn't even like you would get with synthetic.

The top isn't cropped and the bottom hem would sit just below waist line. There are no labels at all and there is no indication that there were ever any labels so looks like it is handmade.

I'm even more amazed but so pleased that this could be silk as it was a charity shop buy here in UK and a bargain price.

Sorry for the quality of photo but this was with the camera on my phone. I can add better photos tomorrow if needed taken on my digital camera
Even with a bit of a longer vest length than cropped, I still think 60s. In the 70s, I remember wearing longer vests. If you did the burn test and it's pretty conclusive that it's not synthetic, it's probably silk. Looks like bengaline silk to me. And the outfit looks like it's in great shape.
Even with a bit of a longer vest length than cropped, I still think 60s. In the 70s, I remember wearing longer vests. If you did the burn test and it's pretty conclusive that it's not synthetic, it's probably silk. Looks like bengaline silk to me. And the outfit looks like it's in great shape.
Thank you so much for your help on this. It is in amazing condition with no damage