Help neophyte identify fur piece


Registered Guest
I have taken up assisting my church's thrift store with online sales of various donations. One item that was donated belonged to a parishioner who passed away. I would be tremendously grateful for any knowledge and expertise you can send in my direction regarding it.

I have attached some photos.

It isn't a coat or a jacket; the best way I can describe it would be like a very short cape. The label says "Myers Brothers" and "The store that quality built." Embroidered on the inside lining is what I take to be the designer's name, "Farinda Dawson."

What kind of piece is this called (jacket, cape)? Does it appear to be mink, or is it more likely to be something else? Can anyone shed any light on the embroidered name on the lining (I've Googled the name, without success)? Any guesses on the age of this item?

A Google search indicates that Myers Brothers is probably a department store that existed under that name in Springfield, Illinois, from 1886 to 1983. If so, I am curious about finding a store's label sewn inside it. Could the store have had some sort of exclusive or semi-exclusive arrangement with the maker? Or was this just a common business practice in the past?

We are grateful for any information we can get.

Fur Coat 01.jpg
Fur Coat 08.jpg
Fur Coat 07.jpg
Fur Coat 19.jpg
Hi Bruce, Very pretty. Deborah is correct, it is a mink stole and it dates to the 60s. Ruth is correct, the name is the previous owner's and is an embroidered monogram.
Many department stores then had fur salons or a section where fur garments were sold. Some department stores still have sections or fur salons within them today.
I thank all of you for your information. I think it's great, and I'm delighted that Google found this form for me. So, three other questions:
  1. I gather from the FAQ and comments that this mink stole should be evaluated for condition and so forth by an expert. What sort of person in my best to take it to? Is a vintage clothing consignment store the best choice?
  2. Just so I know what the ballpark is in advance, can anybody tell me, roughly, what kind of dollar figure I'm going to hear from an expert?
  3. What is the best way to sell it? Consignment store? EBay? Etsy? Craigslist? Street corner?
  4. Suggestions on selling it quickly without sacrificing too much on price would be helpful. I know that fur is not in favor in many circles, but I don't want to get near that controversy. Our thrift store supports a community Outreach program, and people's acute needs are what matter.
Okay, that was four questions (at least). Never have been good at math or furs.

DPC, USN (ret.)
dum vivimus servimus (while we live, we serve)
Re 1 and 2. You can get some idea of the price you could realise by looking at Ebay Solds for similar items. We can't give you a ballpark figure. The price you can realise depends on many factors. Others may have suggestions for where you can get it evaluated.

Re 3 and 4. Usually you get the highest price by selling direct to the end customer, so a consignment store is probably going to be least profitable, as they will take their cut, for doing all the work. Ebay fees are higher than Etsy, but unless already have a shop set up on Etsy, Ebay is probably an easier way to reach buyers quickly with a single item. I've never sold on craigslist so can't comment on that.