Help Please To Date Jacket by WINLET, by LISTEFF Fashions


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Winlet suede fringe jacket sz 11 001.jpg

Hi Everyone,

Long time since I've posted here - hope everyone is doing well.

Attached is a suede fringed jacket by WINLET. I know the brand wasn't high end but was nevertheless popular in the 80s. However what year/decade did the brand come into existence? This jacket seems more 60s or 70s style, I thought. Your opinions?

Winlet suede fringe jacket sz 11 015.jpg

Many thanks!

I can't quite read the label for "Made in ___". Sometimes country of origin helps me get a handle on probable decade.
The interior colours and label font look very 70's to me, as does the collar spread with slightly more pointy points :)
I also think it might have a bit of a retro thing going on - as the pockets have those 40's/50's style patch triangles .
Melanie, to me, the collar points aren't as extreme as I expect for 70s, case in point (pun intended), a 70s jacket from my Etsy shop
Melanie, to me, the collar points aren't as extreme as I expect for 70s

True they are not dagger points, but plenty of 1970s collars don't have them - I think on this particular jacket it might have been overkill with all that fringing too - which is the main focus of the garment.

Attached is a suede fringed jacket by WINLET. I know the brand wasn't high end but was nevertheless popular in the 80s. However what year/decade did the brand come into existence?

Mia your jacket brand is WINLIT with a I, if you were searching for records one letter can make all the difference. :)

the US trademark register: The first use of the name was recorded as being used in 1969 in the same font, and presumably was still the same by the time it was filed for in 1975 and registered by 1976 ( I don't imagine they would have allowed it to go through had the design been altered since filing)

It changed sometime in between, and was a plain Times new roman style by the last renewal - the trademark was abandoned in 2009.