Help pricing this dress


Registered Guest
I have this beautiful Marion Maged dress and I keep trying to research a price and can find nothing to comapre it to.

Looks like she was in buniess for a short period of time in the late 70's and early 80's and she did a high end line. In todays money her items would cost about $800 - $1200

I appreciate any helo you can all give me.




Can't really advise on the pricing issue. It looks in very good condition so that will help. I don't think this particular designer worked for very long so these dresses have got to be rare. I can't find anything similar on Google either. Sorry! Perhaps someone else can offer advice???
pricing ? well, odds are if you don't have a hipster model and flashy html, then you'll get about $15 for it...based on my experience
She's a beauty and could do well in the right season. I suggest saving it until fall or early winter and try it out then. I do not like to suggest prices but I feel like you could surely do better than $15 if you use clear photos and a good description. You might get more detailed shots if you took a picture outside.. and don't worry about the "flashy model" many sellers use a simple dress forms and some even successfully display on hangers as well.
Can I please see the label? Just for curiosity sake.

It looks very much like late 70's to me.

I would highlight the Beading & Sequins, the Illusion piece at the shoulders & neckline, and the Accordian Pleating.

Love the open back, too! Very feminine & quite sexy inan understated way. Pure Class.

Oh & definitely wait til Fall or Winter on this. It would be a lovely Holiday Dress.
Thanks everyone! I will hold it until fall for the holidays.

I swear, I coudl totally see Renee Zellweger wearing this dress somewhere. It just screams her name! Although I think it is a tad to big for her. LOL

Heck, if I knew how to get it to her, I would send it just to see her in it! :o

Leisa: Here are the labels. Looks like someone sewed the joseph label right over the original one. It did say that she started designing in the late 70's - 1978 if I remember correctly.

