HELP!! Technical opinions/advice needed!

Okay, I've got this arrived injured. It had its loops lopped off and the satin lacing lost forever. So I, in my infinite optimism about my skills, have endeavoured to replace all this using my lace-up Ossie for Radley as a guide. Now I find myself stumped by some remaining stumps sitting in an awkward place.

<img src="">

The top looks fine all laced up as it is, but these stumps remain. How on earth are they supposed to work within the lacing of the thing? Does it cross up another level to them? Does it start from there? Does it start from behind the neck and cross round??? I'm baffled! I'm also squinting at the original design drawing near Ossie in this picture:-

<img src="">

Any ideas are most welcome because I want to get it right!!!


that is very intriguing. what comes to mind from having done renderings, is that sometimes the design conception changes a tad when it is in final form. Like the sketch will be more dramatic or exaggerated and then have to be tweaked a bit in the process for the sake of wearing it. or extra eyelets, zippers will be added for the sake of physics.

i can't see the drawing closely enough, but on the manni the two "stumps" mystify me unless the fabric was supposed to just loop through and hang down like the last eyelets on a shoe when it was not cool to have them tied. i can see where it would look like someone was being choked acrossed the neck if it crisscrossed up there.

i really have no clue
What i was just also thinking is, if it fits, have you tried it on. Sometimes one can figure out where something is supposed to go if it is on you, as mannis have such exaggerated forms in some cases and you could see if it hit wrong or didn't feel right to be somewhere.
Hi!!! I know what you mean - I think I may just bite the bullet, put loops in and just work out which way is best to lace it - using myself! :)
Hmmmm, could have the lacing started at the top, rather than from the bottom?? So across the neckline the lacing would go straight across and it would tie at the waist??? Dunno...just a thought!
I was thinking the same thing as Bonnie. Perhaps the laces start at the top and criss-cross before going through the top loops.

Liz, you've done and awesome job with this! The loops look like the original fabric!

Thanks Lizzie!!! I felt the awesome weight of responsibility as I was doing it....trying to channel the spirit of Ossie as I'm re-tracing his steps ;)

I've pinned to show how it might go, is this making more sense??

<img src="">

I also love the fact that the portrait dress is on that wall of designs, so they are 'siblings' :)
Wow! What a difference, Liz. the bow at the top really broke up the line, so to speak, but the way you have it now it brings the eye down and it looks really streamlined. Don't know if that's the real way it was intended but I really like the looks of that. Now i presume this was to be worn like a really open deep v-neck versus having an under layer, right? or am i wrong? (can't see how far it goes down and the sketch is only b/w
It is possible that the two stumps were the beginnings of two separate ties on each side rather than loops? Which would give a more comfortable X shape to start rather than a hard line across?

Bumping to be nosy.

Has it been unveiled today, or is that the parallel one you were referencing??
Whichever, it looks fabulous!
Hi Lin! Thank you!! It's the Radley little sister of this one! I'm still not quite sure about this one. It needs a little more work (The zip on the skirt broke. Fortuitous as it would happen, since the original metal zipper was a incongruous navy blue and I have a black one just the right length in my sewing box!!) and I'm still agonising over the loops ;) All of which makes it very tempting to keep....