Help w/ Dating Mink Demi Parure Set?


Registered Guest


Its real mink!! At first I thought 60s, but the more I handle it the more I wonder if its older (40s, 50sish). The earrings are screw backs rather than the typical clips of the 60s. The clasp on the necklace is a folding kind that goes through any ring to make it whatever size works (though at its longest its still barely past choker size).

No markings.

Thoughts? When did they stop doing the screw backs?

Thanks guys!
Hard to tell with this set. Screw backs were used fairly readily from about the 30's to the 70's. I'll go consult my vintage jewelry books to see if I can help further.

What a beautiful set!

Talk to you soon!

I'm back!

Alas, none of my books have ANY fur/mink jewelry in them! I was hoping I'd be able to find some info specific to fur/mink but no luck.

Screwbacks were introduced in 1909 as an alternative to piercing, which was starting to be frowned upon in the early 20th century. So, screwback earrings can date as far back as 1909. Screwbacks were used readily until the 70's when piercing became acceptable (and favored) once again. Could you find screwbacks made in the 70's? Probably. But as I look at your set, my gut tells me 50's - 60's. Now this is just my guess. I hope others here will chime in ESPECIALLY if I'm completely off.

I wish I could be more exact for you. It's tough with jewelry. Are you certain there are no marks anywhere? Are you able to examine the pieces with a magnifying glass or loupe?

I have a 1957 Esquire magazine with ads for mink clutches, mink-trimmed socks, even mink-trimmed bar tools! There is also an ad for converting your old-fashioned mink coats into stylish new mink stoles and capes. Maybe your jewelry was from that time.