Help w/Hadley Sweater and Skirt (pic hvy-sorry)

Got this home today and as I am looking more closely, I am getting a homemade vibe. I am wondering if someone added the decor to the sweater and then made a matching skirt. Was this common? If so, does this scream a particular era to anyone?

Skirt has side metal zip and is sort of a mess at waistline. I tried to show pics - can't figure out if it is completely homemade or if someone just added extenders.

Skirt is pinned on manni - quite a bit actually.

Any thoughts or input are appreciated. Thank you!!!




It could be either way, but I'm betting this was made to be sold like this. Are there any labels besides the Hadley one? Sometimes companies would buy the plain cashmeres and dress them up to coordinate with their manufactured skirt

Look carefully at the skirt for signs that it was "let out," or enlarged, which might explain the odd patch.
Sorry, thought I posted the Hadley label. It is below. I went back over everything - no other labels. It also doesn't appear that the skirt was let out as far as I can tell.

The decoration to the sweater is all sewn on.

Thanks so much!
Yes, Hadley did make matching skirts (As did Dalton and Bernhard Altmann) Back in the 1980s a friend of mine gifted me with her early 60s college wardrobe of matching cashmeres and wool plaid skirts, most of which were Hadley. I wore those sets to death!
Lizzie -

What a wonderful gift from your friend! I imagine those are rare finds now and not many skirts have survived over the years or have become separated from the sweaters.

Every once in a while I'll find one of the Ballantyne cashmere cardigans with a matching same color knit skirt but I have never found a cardigan and wool skirt set. So cute!
thanks for all the input and help - I appreciate! I have changed my mind and I do think that the skirt had to have been let out at some point otherwise I just don't see how the waist extender would work. I can tell that the waist extender is def. not original to the skirt. I am going to list it has having been altered.

I do love this set and wish wish wish it fit me. Unfortunately, there is no way I am getting the girls into that sweater! Sadly, it is going up on our favorite auction site later today.

Thanks again to all. So fun to hear about outfit but also the stories! VFG forums will be getting a "shout out" in my listing.
