Help! What is this? Purse?

When I first got this I thought it was some sort of Victorian miser purse. Looking at it closely though I discovered there are no openings! It appears to be hand knit. Each section measures 4 by 2 1/2 inches including the beaded fringe. Any ideas? Thanks!

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IMG_0587-removebg-preview (1).png
Isn’t that odd. It does look very much like a misers purse as you say.

Do you think someone has sewn it shut historically for some reason, or is that not a possibility?

Edited to add there’s a very similar purse listed on eBay US (search Double Victorian Misers Purse and that should find it)
It is odd. Being raised Catholic, it reminds me very much of a hand crocheted scapular. Have you opened it (pick the stitches open at the top) to peek inside to see if there is anything in there such as a relic, photo, hair, etc?? Perhaps worn under clothing during mourning. The ties of course would have been longer, are they tied together? Other than that I have no idea.
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Isn’t that odd. It does look very much like a misers purse as you say.

Do you think someone has sewn it shut historically for some reason, or is that not a possibility?

Edited to add there’s a very similar purse listed on eBay US (search Double Victorian Misers Purse and that should find it)[/QU
No. No way for an opening. It is just one piece of material.
It is odd. Being raised Catholic, it reminds me very much of a hand crocheted scapular. Have you opened it (pick the stitches open at the top) to peek inside to see if there is anything in there such as a relic, photo, hair, etc?? Perhaps worn under clothing during mourning. The ties of course would have been longer, are they tied together? Other than that I have no idea.
there are no openings. It is really strange!
It is odd. Being raised Catholic, it reminds me very much of a hand crocheted scapular. Have you opened it (pick the stitches open at the top) to peek inside to see if there is anything in there such as a relic, photo, hair, etc?? Perhaps worn under clothing during mourning. The ties of course would have been longer, are they tied together? Other than that I have no idea.
Just double checked. I thought there was just one piece of fabric but it is two and sewn shut!

What I meant was to open it up yourself by snipping a few stitches or cutting it open, or maybe just feel around with your fingers. I have seen scapulars with tiny bits of a relic or hair tucked inside, and these were also then sewn shut.