Help with '50's organdy formal


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Help with \'50\'s organdy formal

I'm new here. I hope one of you can give me some advice. My daughter is getting married in June and would like to wear my mother's 1950's organdy formal gown. The problem is that the bodice is too small. I'm trying to think of a way to get it to fit without actually altering the dress. I thought of leaving the back open and having her wear something under it and temporarily attach the dress to it, but the zipper on the dress would be obvious and is in bad shape. Is this hopeless? My mother has passed away and this would be a beautiful connection if we can figure out what to do!
how much room does she need?

if only 2-3 inches get a real corset and cinch her up!! I do it all the time... if more then 2 options.. taking it to a good seamstress and having material added in or.....folding the zipper under and stitching it shut securely but hopefully in a way that can be removed... then adding some sort of 'eyes" on both sides of the new zipperless edges to make it corset style and lace it up... I only suggest it this way so the integrity is not ruined... or if its more important to wear it and be lasting.... cringe.... have the seamstress make it a permanent corset laced back

I'm sure there is some more ideas out there, that's just my two!
There may be enough fabric to let the dress out. My vintage pieces usually have at least an inch of extra fabric in the seams. A good seamstress could be useful!

BTW I got a new sewing maching for Xmas. I'm so excited!!
I'm back... I was rereading your post and then my response ans it seems rather confusing to me lol...

Clarification... use a traditional corset to tighten up your daughter rib cage. I can get mine down about 2 inches. If that is not an option. then you can turn the back of the dress into a lace up style like a corset. This would be the least intrusive on the garment I think.

Two options about the zipper. If its bad and needs to be replaced anyway pull it out. If it still works but sticks fold it under and securely tack in place so we have an area to work with. (you can use a lead pencil and run it over teeth to help it glide smoother, assuming the zipper is metal)

Now use the "eye" parts of a hook and eye system (like the ones pictured) and since they can be sewn into place, securely tack them to the folded side of the zipper so just a little of the eye pokes out. out at least 5-6 on each side. Then run/lace a pretty ribbon or cord through the eyes and tie in place, Voila, should work. :-)
Even I, a total sewing illiterate, understand your plan, Jennifer. It's brilliant--an easily reversible way to get some extra room in the dress! (I understand that corseting is the least intrusive option, but can see someone who hasn't corseted before being reluctant to begin doing so on her wedding day!)

Good luck, digirb--it's wonderful that your daughter is going to be married in her grandma's gown!

My MIL gave me her wedding gown to sell in my shop but I'm hanging onto it, hoping that when the time comes, one of her granddaughters will want to wear it...