Help with 70's(?) Made in Hawaii caftan with split(?) sleeves

Robin of Frocksley

Registered Guest
I found this caftan recently and am having trouble dating it. The only label is the Made in Hawaii label. I'm assuming it's 70's but I'd love to hear from you all. I'm also wondering how to describe this sleeve treatment. I've been calling it a split sleeve? Thanks so much!
20150926_130612.jpg 20150926_130847.jpg 20150926_130801.jpg 20150926_130734.jpg 20150926_130644.jpg 20150926_130918.jpg
You could call it a slashed sleeve, since it reveals the arm underneath (in medieval times it revealed another brightly coloured fabric underneath). Or perhaps an open sleeve.
Thank you, Sheila. I actually had already searched the RN number, and the results I've found indicate that sellers generally date other items with this RN number to the 50's or 60's. I'm still leaning towards the 70's with this one, mostly because of the colorway. I'd love to hear what any of you think? Thanks!
Thank you, Sheila. I actually had already searched the RN number, and the results I've found indicate that sellers generally date other items with this RN number to the 50's or 60's. I'm still leaning towards the 70's with this one, mostly because of the colorway. I'd love to hear what any of you think? Thanks!
I believe once the RN number is issued it can be used forevermore by that company, so 50's-60's is probably when the brand was most productive and hence the larger number of garments with the number from those decades. It might have been tailing off in later years.
It's not really useful for dating in itself, but more to find out about the manufacture of the garment, which in turn can be used to narrow dates down.