Help with a Coro Mark

Have done the usual research but haven't found a Coro mark quite like this one - the R seems to be different. I found one similar at but am not sure it is exactly the same.

Any jewelry experts have any thoughts on dating using this mark? Piece probably isnt that special - just a cute little gold book locket but I really love Coro and am trying to become more proficient at dating the pieces. This one is really for learning purposes for me.

Hoping you can see the mark. Piece wont flatten to get a good scan so this might be as good as it gets.

Thank you !!!!
Maureen -

My first impression was '40's. I did a search for and discovered that 1/40th 10K RGP is the symbol for 10 Carat rolled gold palladium. Palladium is a member of the platinum family and was first used in jewelry in the '30's and '40's. I think it was used mostly after WWII but I'm not sure. Please show us the front and I'll check a few books a bit later on.

Tiffany -

I'm sure you are right. It's rolled gold plate. Palladium is a white metal. It will still help if we can see the front to help you date it!

Not enough coffee when I posted. Sorry.


Here it is...Linn, I love scanning jewelry. Thank you so much for suggesting. My life is so much easier now!!!

This is the front - back is indentical pattern except inverse.

Thank You!!!
All I can add is that the mark is very much like shown in one in one of my books, and the book states that the mark began use in the 40s. I would guess that this piece is not very much newer than that--but our jewelry experts (of which I am not one) could better help if they could see the front of the piece!