Help with dating a wool hat by Mr. John?


Registered Guest

Would this be considered a bowler? It seems so flat for that, but it does look like one to me. What age would you say this is?

Thank you!



That is an ADORABLE Mr. John, love the shape, the lining. My thought would be 60s, maybe 70s, but more likely 60s.

it is nothing like a bowler, though, Zannew, you might want to peruse our section about hats here at the VFG, especially if you handle them on a regular basis. also, i have a couple of books that i find very helpful, one by our member here, Susan Langley, and i LOVE my hat book by R. Turner Wilcox, however that was written in 1946 so doesn't have more modern vintage in it.

we used to call those cruiser hats, or a (ladies) version of a pork pie. very cute!