Help with Definition of Vintage


Registered Guest

I'm new to the site and trying to find the definition for vintage clothing and sewing patterns.

I always thought vintage was anything over 25 years old. I have 100's of sewing patterns from the early 60's to the early 80's. I also have a few vintage clothing items from the 60'd and 70's. I'd like to sell some of them eventually and want to give accurate information. Can anybody direct me to a thread or link with this info?

There is no official definition as yet, but the VFG has discussed this several times in the past. Others will come in to correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the final word on it from the VFG point of view was that vintage was older than a generation (25 years of age) and antique was older than a lifetime (75 years of age or older).
i agree with jonathan, thats the yard stick l use too!! this is about the same for most of
Great question--it seems everybody has a slightly different yardstick for measuring vintage and antique. Just for another perspective, Ruby Lane defines antiques (or did last time I listed one--they "prompt" you when you're listing one) as 100 years old or older, and vintage as 20 years old/older.

eBay loosely defines "vintage" as 20 years old minimum, but I don't know what their take is on "antique." Of course, many eBay sellers, from the looks of it, consider anything over 5 years old vintage!!!!!

Having collected antiques from the time I was a teenager, my understanding has always been what Jonathan stated--75 years. Personally, before I started selling on Ruby Lane, I had not heard of the "100-year" rule. On vintage, my understanding has been 20 years.