Help With Designer Label


Registered Guest
Okay, I have questions today.
I found this wonderful 3 piece outfit at my grandmother's.
It has a long skirt, a jacket and a halter that ties at the neck. Very beautiful design. The label on the jacket is Neiman Marcus. The skirt is where I have the question on. The designer label says Margaret Marten for Florence Eiseman.

I know from my research that Eiseman designs children's clothing. And I know that she worked for Neiman;s for a few years. I can't find anything on her having done any adults clothing lines. I love this outfit and wish that I could wear it myself, but it is just to big.

Can anyone tell me anything about it.
The Neiman Marcus label and what it looks like could be a good clue towards what the date of this item is.

As far as the designer, I don't know anything about her.

I did stumble acrossed this website though

They are still in business, so why not contact them with the simple of query of when did they/she make adult clothing? You might just get an answer.

Florence Eiseman isn't in the label resource herself so if you have some research, I bet Lizzie would love to have an entry for her since you have a label.
I had found the same website myself. Didn't dawn on me to send in a question. Need the "duh" smiley on here so you can see me smacking myself.

BTW, I have several labels that I am in the process of doing research on that you don't have in the resource. But at the moment I am going brain dead by the minute since vacation for me and the family is like in a day and a half....
Very true, will get things organized when I get back.
Using in-laws time share. Going to a town called Hawkins here in Texas. It's in east texas. Nothing really fancy, just a place to get away too.