Help with identifying the name

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by Christine Smith, Aug 2, 2024.

  1. Christine Smith

    Christine Smith Registered Guest

    Hi, does anyone recognise the name on this vintage handmade apron. I can make out some of the letters but not the first letter after "J". Thank you. 20240802_112854.jpg 20240802_105937.jpg
  2. MagsRags

    MagsRags VFG President Staff Member

    It looks like an M to me, and has two J Manes garments, that are both prints, one identified as a 50s blouse, the other a 60s shift dress. The dress shows selvedge printing like yours.
  3. Christine Smith

    Christine Smith Registered Guest

    Thank you very much. That's a great help. I shall look into this gem app. I haven't seen it before.
    MagsRags likes this.

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