help with identifying these two beaded bags


Registered Guest
I am hoping someone might have some information on thee two heavily beaded bags. I bought the one beaded bag that has a heart pattern to it, about 2-3 years ago. I think I paid-$10-$12 for it.. It seriously looks brand new inside & out. There was still tissue paper stuffed in the purse.
I'm not sure why I bought it as the pattern & color is not one of my favorites. (maybe I bought it because I can't say no to a bargain) There is a lable that says" Hong Kong" but that's it. Any ideas on how old it is? 40's? 50's?
The white beaded bag I love! I have had this one for about for a while now. I paid more than what I normally do for a vintage bag. $15.. It's a fairly heavy bag and I love the delicate little pattern.
The label says Guaranteed handmade Tokyo on one side and looks like japanese on the other maybe?) I've seen bags and own some that say made in Hong Kong or Made in Japan but have I not seen any made in Tokyo. If anyone has a information- I would appreciate it. Any info at all would be helpful. Thanks :)


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They're both beautiful bags, and I think, you got them both for very good prices.

I would date them both as '60s. The first one is a popular design, I've seen it in many colours and these bags were generally kept well because they were for special occasions and admired. I find that nine times out of ten they look like they've hardly been used.
Thank you once again for the information. I have checked on the internet looking for beaded bags to try and date these, but- there are so many of them and the dates range by quite a bit- it's hard for me to tell. I figured that I got them for a good price, but the cheapness in me hates spending alot of money for a handbag. I typically will spend between $4-$8, for a bag that I like. But I think vintage prices in general are going up due to the trend right now. I started buying vintage bags, long before it was trendy & cool, back when it was considered "old lady" junk. (that was about 25 years ago) My grandmother who is 90 years old now, gave me my first taste of vintage years ago-faux pearls that none of sisters wante . I've been hooked ever since. She knows how much I love this kind of stuff, so over the years she has given me quite a few things. Matter of fact the HOT pink gloves in the my profile picture were hers. She - gave me several pairs of very colorful gloves. :) LOVE THEM!
Recently she gave me her aunts old steamer trunk... Unfortunately- I think her cat peed in it. (ugh) lol I think I will have to strip the fabric off of it and re-furbish it. (it's currently sitting in the garage waiting to be loved again)
Thanks again for the helpful info!
Umm this is a little OT, but you can get specialist products for cat pee smell, even when soaked in. Or pee in general. You need a cleaning product that works by enzyme digestion. You will need to be able to get the trunk damp, so it may not be good for any fabric/glue, but that smell is going to hard to get rid of by any other method, even if you strip it. First wipe or wash with a solution of the cleaner to dampen it, then spray with the full strength version, and leave it so that it will remain damp and not dry out for several hours or overnight. Ie, don't put in the sun or next to heat source. Might need a couple of treatments. You are creating conditions for the little enzymes to 'digest' the proteins in the pee stink while it's damp.

I bought mine in the UK, but if you search 'cat pee enzyme cleaner' you'll no doubt find local suppliers.

How do I know this? Don't ask...
Just be assured it was nothing to do with my vintage business. :)

Ruth- Thank you for the useful information on cat pee... I plan to google "cat pee enzyme cleaner" and get some ordered asap! I pretty much figured that I will be unable to keep the trunk in it's original state. (it's not a beauty- it's fairly beat up and the cat pee- makes things worse & gives me little choice but to strip it) The body, drawers & hangers are well intact and quite solid- it's the inside fabric that is worn and fading. To my hubby it's a pee stained piece of junk, that he is really hoping that I will never drag into the house... but to me- it's loveable and fixable. It was my grandmother's aunt's trunk and she was a well traveled lady, and I can't help but think- WOW- the places this old trunk has seen & been to. (all by train too!) I'm hoping that someday I will be able to keep my vintage things that my grandmother gave me in the drawers.
Thank you so much for the info- I'm in for the long haul with this trunk- whatever it takes, how ever many treatments- I'm doing it! I need to take a before and after picture- when I finally get it re-furbished- I'll post a picture of it. :) thanks again- this site is most helpful- I am so glad I stumbled upon it!!!
Good luck with it. I think we all relate to the urge to save something like this.

BTW I think there is a quite a variance in quality and strength with these cleaners. The one I used was an industrial product.