help with Italian Jacket by Maris, 60s? Would you call it a peacoat?

retro ruth

Staff member
Hi everyone,

I've had a run on 60s/70s orange checked wool things lately! I have three.

I can't find any information about the label. It says "Maris" and has a crest with GC on it, and marchio registrato (registered trademark). Another label Pura Lana - pure wool, and a size label 44. No other labels. It seems very well made.

I thought 60s based on the collar shape, but would appreciate your opinions.

Would it be right to describe this shape as a peacoat? I know it's not strictly that but near enough? It's also not outerwear. Is there any other descriptor? It has a rather high waist.

Many thanks as always.




That's a cute coat. I would call it a pea coat as that is a common key word for those looking for a longer double breasted coat. As for the dating, I would put it in the 1970's. I can see 60's in the collar, but that colorway is very 70's. We'll see what the others have to say.
Thanks muchly Amber. It's true the colourway way is very 70s. The lack of care labels made me think earlier - though I have no idea when care labels came in in Italy!

It is a jacket rather than a coat, the wool is a fine weight.

That looks early to mid 1970's to me too, from the color way and collar, and plaid was very very popular for jackets then (at least in the NY area). The style reminds me what used to be called a Norfolk jacket, with the belted waist area, but Peacoat is probably the way to go as nobody uses that old fashioned term "Norfolk" anymore. Although it is not really a peacoat, It has the peacoat "look" that will attract buyers.
