help with label and dating. LAUREN JEANS CO denim skirt

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by Gail Brassard, Aug 10, 2024.

  1. Gail Brassard

    Gail Brassard VFG Member

    This denim skirt has this LAUREN JEANS CO. label embroidered in the back of the waistband in an orange /g Screenshot_10-8-2024_13549_.jpeg Screenshot_10-8-2024_13558_.jpeg Screenshot_10-8-2024_13558_.jpeg gold thread. Is it legit it or a fake? I also can't find any dating info on the label--so I've included a photo of the skirt--a midcalf true tulip style skirt. Thanks in advance!!
  2. bycinbyhand

    bycinbyhand VFG Member

    I'm not sure that this is vintage, more mid 2000s
  3. I don't know that anyone faked Lauren Jeans Co.? It's ready-to-wear department store stuff.
    Is there anything on the underside of the small green hangtags?
  4. Midge

    Midge Super Moderator Staff Member

    I would guess early to mid-200s. Looks like a rather straight style, meant to be worn on the hip and not up at the waist, which is typical. Also the addition of stretch to jeans fabric is a thing that I think became more usual then?

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