help with label

I am not 100% sure but I believe the dress is more current, although it does look like a style from the late 80's, a coat dress style with a liberty of London look silk.
I wonder if there is such a place that has pictures of current (within last 10 years) labels. I have tried posting in UK ebay and .com ebay,not much info at moment, one person did mention the pricey 'y' label ????
It reminds me of the Canadian Lori Ann label. Run of the mill department store stuff. But the size label would indicate that it isn't from Canada as we generally run sizes 8-10-12 etc.

lve been searching the net images for a j or i logo as that all it could be with a dot...the colours remind me of japan the big red dot, their flag and national colours, but just keep coming up blank!! very frustrating...
Sometimes designers need to remember that if they are going to have something minimal for a logo, they should put a reference to the name below. Otherwise, you're just an L with a dot and a confused viewer.
sarasattic thanks very much for trying..that is very kind of you to be searching..I do believe it is an L though as the correct way up is the way it looks in piccie..
but come to think of it, as like you have mentioned; the red dot is traditional to Chinese, hmmmm perhaps this is not an English letter but an actual figure (so to speak) representing the designer.
The dress has no other labels, I have searched inside lining also...
It does look like they have gone the mile with the quality of fabric used and the way it is manufactured..all that work and no name..yeeks!!!
The red dot in chinese if you look closely is usually a tiny "seal" or symbol when doing decorative calligraphy. (but looks like a dot if small) The red dot is also the rising sun in Japanese things and that pops up often too. Yikes...too many possibilities.

Maybe Lizzie would have seen this label
Thankyou Cotmoyey, for giving that link, what I was wondering is, if anyone has thought of putting info with the labels? as that would be helpful.

Poshgirl..cant wait to see if you find anything out about Giorgio and if it is connected to my label..thanks
~~nolly~~ That site is run by the peeps on the Clothing & Accessories board on eBay.

They only have the label pictures, and clickable links to an eBay search == eBay has restricted them to that (so the link can be shown on an eBay forum) ==

(juststuff on InkFrog)
Just wondering if you had a chance to look at the items you had with that label?