Help with labels, please?


Registered Guest
I'm fairly new when it comes to vintage clothing (just started getting into them a couple of years ago) but I do admire a nicely-constructed garment and pretty labels :]
Would someone be able to help me in dating any of the following? I checked out the Label Resource, but have not found any matches.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you!
1 oof. these are sort of timeless. but i'm guessing maybe late 60s with that openwork knit...

2 pink lace 70s

3 red looks 70s

4 is like a "store" brand...oop, that band at the bottom makes it more mid to late 70s...

5 ??? looks maybe l a t e 70s or 80s...
re: vintagemerchant

Thanks so much! I've always been curious about the dating of these so it's nice to finally know. I've been wearing the gray knit vest a lot, but will probably treat it a little more carefully now that I know it's almost 20 years older than me :]
# 4 is a Spiegel label. And I'd say likely 80's on the top it's in. Maybe even later, but not "new."

That pink lace is really lovely.