Help with red and white two piece outfit

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by Villa, Jan 31, 2013.

  1. Villa

    Villa Registered Guest

    What do you think of this outfit? I would guess it was maybe 1950's, but I don't know if it is maybe a costume outfit, or maybe a youth outfit. Maybe it is just a cheery colorful regular set. I just don't know how to list it. What do you guys think? More pics available if needed. Thanks!

  2. bycin

    bycin Guest

    Could it be a square dance outfit?
  3. Villa

    Villa Registered Guest

    It could be, but it has a different feel to me than that. More, I don't know, candy like? Younger? Older?
  4. Pics of the interior please: any labels, seams, hem? It's cute and could be a '50s girls set or a dance outfit, as bycin says.
  5. The Vintage Merchant

    The Vintage Merchant Administrator Staff Member

    my first impression was square dance, as well. but could be a county fair kind of frock...
  6. Villa

    Villa Registered Guest

    Here are a couple pics of the interior. It is obviously homemade, so no label. DSC_0413.JPG DSC_0411.JPG
  7. Construction looks '50s too - thanks for the extra pics.
  8. The Vintage Merchant

    The Vintage Merchant Administrator Staff Member

    Villa, that would be cute as can be steamed, and then puff up those sleeves a bit and pop a crini under that skirt!

    i think it's adorable!
  9. bycin

    bycin Guest

    Very adorable. Definitely 50s too!
  10. Cute. Looks like it's for dancing.
  11. Villa

    Villa Registered Guest

    Thanks all!

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