Help with vintage drawstring purse

I need help dating this purse please. It has me completely baffled! It is made out of wool and is probably home made. Thanks!
I may be way off the mark here but it looks to me like it has been made from old clothes fabrics - the body looks like the sort of fabric I have seen a 60s/70s maxi skirt made in before, and the dotty pocket fabric looks like a 50s/60's shirt fabric. It's a simple design so could have been home made, possibly for costume purposes.
I have come across these over the years. I was never 100% sure of the dating, as they were simple and home made. All of mine were made of a rough textured hand loomed fabric such as a piece cut from an antique loomed coverlet. Often the drawstring is newer, which can help date it, but of course those could be replaced. The little pocket is nice, looks like a Victorian era twill fabric to me. I think your little bag is entirely made of old fabrics. Of course I do not have it here to handle and inspect.

I never had much luck selling mine, usually would up storing them away and giving them away. But they are sweet! Folks who collect primitives seem to like these, though.
Thank you Barbara. The fabric does feel old, especially the wool. The pocket has flocked polka dots. Do you know when that kind of fabric was first made?
Now that I think about it I have a solid framed 60s box handbag in this sort of outer fabric - I will post it when I can photograph in daylight.