Honoring MC - Donations


VFG Member
After much discussion it has been decided that donations will be collected for a dedicated chair and appropriate books in MC’s honor at the Portland Central Library. MC worked there for 11 years, a job she loved, and a place where she is fondly remembered. The chair will be placed in the art section of the library. Her friends feel she would be delighted to be remembered in this way.

Contributions of any amount towards this project can be sent via PAYPAL to this e-mail address - [email protected]. I will update folks on the end results.

All of MC’s quilts are being donated to museums and a web site about her is under construction.

And even as I write all that I still can not believe she is not with us. What a fine eye and quirky sense of humor she had.

A Sock Monkey Christmas -


Thank you -

Yes indeed, there will be a plaque on the chair. As it turns out, she had many good friends still working at the library and I know they will do their best to make sure the chair has a place of honor. MC had more friends than anyone I have ever met. The chair and plaque would be $1,000. I am hoping we will even go over that amount and be able to buy some appropriate books - something she would have loved to look at.

A donation of $5 would be greatly appreciated ... or anything larger. They all add up! Thanks for your interest.
