How best to repair or alter this dress?


Registered Guest
Hi All,

I have a beautiful dress with issues. It has numerous holes, particularly on one of the sleeves. My question is, if I shorten the sleeves to removed the damaged area, how short should I go? I would like to retain the integrity of the original style if at all possible. There is a dart in the sleeves for the bend in the elbow. Do you think I should shorten to above that or below it?

Thank you!

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I think the integrity of the design is essential in this dress and shortening the sleeves might make it wearable, but it won't be as well designed a dress. It looks like the holes are actually fabric degradation caused perhaps by the dye? Is the entire dress rather fragile or the fabric rotten? It might be terminal...
No, the fabric seems strong elsewhere but there are several areas where there are what look like moth holes. (similar to what is pictured on the peplum) The holes on the sleeve are much more severe.
It's an easy treatment for moths. To quote Jonathan:
Wrap clothes in plastic and put them in your freezer for 24 hours, remove and bring to room temperate and repeat. The sudden change in temperature doesn't allow for enough time for the moths to prepare and kills them. Plus it only costs the price of the electricity to run your freezer and doesn't use any harmful chemicals. Its the preferred method of museums.
What a great dress!!

I would shorten the sleeves just enough to get rid of the largest of the damage. As for the other holes. I would try to patch them from behind with fabric from the seams using itty bitty stitches or a fusible web.

I must say, that sleeve damage does indeed look like fabric degradation to me as well. If you will be altering this for resale, it might be nice to mention that, as the rest of the dress may not be too far behind.
Wow, it's pretty amazing! Top od the dress is a little bit creased, so if you have any tailor skills, for not to cut the sleeves, you can try to crease it on the holes, it can cover them up. If it won't help you can cut sleeves, but not to much!